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One-to-One Online Training

Extend your tai chi, qigong, or meditation practice with online one-to-one training.

If you are new to training and would like to get started but need some motivation, these Skype calls can help. Likewise, if you are a subscriber to WCO and already learning with us, sometimes you may feel that you would like to have your form checked by Mark, or focus on specific moves that you may be finding more challenging than others.

Some people have regular one-to-ones alongside their video tutorials, to add a whole new element to their studying and training with WCO.

The sessions are completely tailored to whatever it is that you need to get from them, and the duration and cost can vary.

15 minutes…: £10*

30 minutes…: £20

60 minutes…: £40

*Amounts can be converted into your local currency and payments made via Paypal or bank transfer.

For more information, please email Mark at [email protected] in the first instance.
