This meditation, which can be done seated or lying down, takes you through a powerful visualisation. Imagining a beam of light slowly washing over every part of your body, you will feel it erasing tension, aches and pains in its path. You will experience a softening of the body as it surrenders to total relaxation.
Course Reviews
Very relaxing
The visualisation in this meditation really helps target areas of tension in the body, as well as focusing the mind, leaving no space for worries and anxieties. After 15 minutes, you feel noticeably more relaxed and calm.
This should be compulsory for all humans!
Well! I didn’t think I was getting the hang of this when I tried it – until I realised I was so deeply relaxed I could hardly peel myself off my mattress! My breathing felt right too – but without even having to try. Fabulous!
This sceptical body is converted!!
I am always very questioning re any form of meditation but the last 15 minutes (plus 10 to finally get myself of the chair) have me won over. Relaxed and negativity all gone, feeling good. Thanks Mark.