If you do a Google images search for ‘tai chi’, chances are you’ll be browsing through a lot of pictures of retirement age groups practicing outside in a sunny park somewhere. I love the fact that tai chi provides mature students with an activity they can get better at as the years advance. (Remember, each birthday you’re a year better, not a year older).
What a lot of people don’t realise is that tai chi is a great exercise for the mind and the body, whatever your age.
Tai chi for generation Z
For children and teens, tai chi can be beneficial in: improving concentration; relieving stress from school and exams; building a strong, healthy and mobile physique; and teaching the importance of the mind-body connection.
Tai chi for millennials
For people in their 20’s and 30’s, tai chi offers ‘an antidote to modern day life’. It creates an opportunity to take ‘selfish’ time out to relax and unwind, and do something that is opposite to the frantic, fast pace of work and family life.
For those whose sporting passion is something physically demanding, such as running or playing rugby, tai chi is an excellent complementary form of exercise. Practising tai chi reduces injuries and speeds up recovery.
Tai chi for generation X
If only I had £1 for every person in their 40s who has said to me “I wish I’d started this in when I was younger, I might have been able to keep playing football/rugby/tennis for longer”.
Practising tai chi in your 40s can be a great way to stay supple, flexible and active – as well as calmer, less stressed and more connected with the moment.
Never too early or too late for tai chi
Any time of life is a great time to start practising tai chi. If you are searching for a mind-body practise that improves mobility, balance, strength and flexibility; while also calming the mind and reducing stress…. Tai chi is for you.
Sign-up for our free Bronze Level membership today and start your tai chi journey. You can access free videos, teaching tai chi and qigong exercises, and take part in forum discussions to explore this ancient martial art.
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