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4 Tips for Better Balance

I have many students who have sought out tai chi training specifically to improve their balance.  A decline in the body’s stability can be incredibly unsettling, whether it’s from an injury, a health condition, or the ageing process, it can really knock your confidence. However, with practice and determination, it’s …

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Martial Arts for Stress, Balance, and Happiness

During the 15 years that I had a career in the corporate world, I was often asked how I was able to not display signs of stress when everything seemed to be going wrong – as it very often does when you work in IT!   My standard answer was, …

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5 Reasons Tai Chi is the Perfect Resolution This New Year

You can do it anywhere No need to pack a gym bag, or wear any special clothing, you don’t need to get in your car, or on a bus to go to a place to train all of the time. Just a little floor space is all you need (or …

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