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traditional chinese medicine

Warming Up for Tai Chi 

I remember being at school in the 80’s and for the first minute or so of our PE lesson we’d do the warm up. It was a case of the teacher shouting something along the lines of, “Okay boys, touch your toes… now you’re good to go!” I would hope …

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5 Animals Qigong

Tiger, Deer, Bear, Monkey, and Crane are the five animals which together make up this qigong routine.  Known in Mandarin as Wi Qin Xi and also translated as 5 Animal Frolics, it was created by a Chinese doctor called Hua Tuo in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 CE).  5 Animals …

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Winter in Chinese Medicine

Winter is the most Yin time of year in Chinese medicine. The darker months are a time of looking inward, slowing down, resting, wrapping up, keeping warm, and eating nourishing foods.    It is a time when looking after our kidneys is important. In Chinese medicine each season is associated …

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The Subtle Power of Qigong

It’s easier than tai chi and less physically strenuous than yoga. It builds a subtle strength and flexibility throughout the whole body and you feel great afterwards.  Entrenched in Chinese medicine and having stood the test of time (5000 years by some accounts), Qigong might just be the perfect activity …

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Looking out of my window as I am settling down to write the weekly WCO blog post and autumn is here for sure. In England, as of the last few days, that has meant rain and getting significantly colder! Downpours aside, I love the change of late summer into autumn …

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Teacher: ‘Well done today everyone, great class! Does anyone have any questions?’ Student: ‘Yes, I was wondering, what is Qi?’ Teacher: ‘Good question. Have you seen Star Wars?’ Student: ‘Yes.’ Teacher: ‘It’s The Force.’   Being a man, and tai chi instructor, of a certain age there are two cultural …

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Tai Chi for Asthma

Of all the chronic conditions we face in the modern world, asthma seems to be one of the most prevalent. According to the Office for National Statistics, 1320 people died in England and Wales alone. In the UK, 5.4 million people are currently receiving treatment – this includes 1 in …

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Tai Chi Cross Training

Whilst Tai Chi is a wonderful activity to integrate into your life, there are – apparently – other things that people enjoy doing – so I am told! 🙂   For many people, tai chi becomes their sole activity and for them this is enough to keep active, healthy, fit, …

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The Best Medicine: East Meets West

Western medicine is amazing, one of the wonders of the modern world and how could I fault a medical system that keeps billions of people alive by curing illness, disease and improving quality of life for many who live with chronic conditions? Including members of my close family. There are …

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