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The Lack of Tai Chi Crisis

Everything is a crisis nowadays. We’ve currently dealing with the cost of living crisis, Ukraine crisis, fuel crisis, energy crisis, food crisis. There are probably more, I’ve most likely lost count.  Whilst I would never demean the severity of the situations listed, it does strike me that it is manna …

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Warming Up for Tai Chi 

I remember being at school in the 80’s and for the first minute or so of our PE lesson we’d do the warm up. It was a case of the teacher shouting something along the lines of, “Okay boys, touch your toes… now you’re good to go!” I would hope …

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The Important Hidden Benefit of Tai Chi

It’s great to see new members flooding in this week, January always sees many new people join and start their tai chi journey with us. Remember that you can subscribe with 25% off annual subscriptions all the way through January. Just use the coupon code newyear2022 to claim your discount. …

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Take Back Control in 2022

Over the past couple of years I would imagine that you have felt important parts of your life have been at best inconvenienced, at worst been practically impossible.   Many have felt the heartbreaking loss of loved ones; separation from family and friends; freedom to visit other countries – or …

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How to Improve Quickly at Tai Chi

When giving advice to my students about how often they should train, I usually recommend a ‘little and often’ approach. If I enjoy something, I want to do it everyday – fortunately this is the best way to improve at tai chi.   Let’s say you’ve just started a class or …

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Three Treasures

In my late teens I spent a few months working in a book warehouse, saving up to go away on another travelling adventure. I wasn’t interested in much else at that age, other than books, so compared to some other mind numbing temporary jobs I had grafted away at in …

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Martial Arts for Stress, Balance, and Happiness

During the 15 years that I had a career in the corporate world, I was often asked how I was able to not display signs of stress when everything seemed to be going wrong – as it very often does when you work in IT!   My standard answer was, …

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Change, Adapt, Grow

We get so used to doing things a certain way and caught up in our routines or comfort zones that testing times such as the one that we are experiencing can be harder to get through collectively than they need to be. Witness those who cannot cope without life’s so …

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Kung Fu Beats Coronavirus

As a martial artist we spend a great proportion of our lives putting our bodies as well as our minds into uncomfortable situations and positions.   Take my favourite exercise for example, the low horse stance (those who know me will not be surprised!). It’s the perfect example of physical …

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Jack Kerouac, Toilet Paper, and Finding Your Purpose

I haven’t written a series of blog posts for a while, the last time was whilst I was in China last summer. I was expecting to do something a little similar this summer coming but you know what they say about the best laid plans.    So here we are, …

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