It’s day three of what seems to be the new – temporary – lifestyle that we are all getting accustomed to. Actually I’m spending my days teaching, training, working on my laptop, walking the dog, eating, chatting with family and friends – pretty much the same as normal.
Except you then realise that the country and the world at large is in shut down and remember the surreal situation that we find ourselves in.
You look at the news and see the mounting infection rate and the death toll increasing, and a sinking feeling of mild panic sets in and it’s possible to feel a sense of paralysis as the events take us into uncharted territory.
You revert to Facebook and social media for some distraction but your feed is full of Coronavirus related stories, Coronavirus memes, photos of empty supermarket shelves, and cat photos (obviously, that’s why the internet was created).
More panic sets in.
You think some meditation would be good, we’re told it’s good for us – but you sit and try to quieten the mind… what happens? You start thinking about all that news and social media updates and the literal and metaphorical images that they have imprinted in your mind, and in the end all you’re doing is sitting still, quietly thinking about the current situation.
You call a friend, and end up talking about Coronavirus and the dramatic effect it is happening on all of our lives.
So where the hell can you go for some sanity and to escape the panic and fear that’s thrust upon us from all angles.
My solution – and I know that a lot of you are with me on this – is training.
Train, train, and train some more.
Whatever you are into: martial arts, yoga, qigong, weights, running… it’s the solution.
Move your body, get the blood flowing, feel some physical exhaustion, push yourself a little bit, stretch your muscles and mobilise your joints. Use the training to change the negative, toxic energy into a positive source of inspiration.
You will feel better, more resilient, be able to put the situation you’re facing into more context. Something amazing happens when we exercise.
Our minds and our bodies are meant to move, the static stagnant energy created by inactivity is not a good thing to have – we need a vibrant renewal of energy coursing through us, brought upon by physical activity and mental stimulation.
Training is your constant companion that will never let you down, it should inspire and humble you, make you calmer and in tune with your body, less fraught in the mind.
Treat your training as a moving meditation, focus on perfecting the movements and the techniques of your chosen activity. The mental concentration will temporarily take you away from the current situation and bring you back fitter, healthier, and more prepared and ready to use your time wisely in this strange situation we find ourselves in.
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